Friday, September 30, 2005

Thoughts on Service

It's become very frustrating for me to figure out who's telling the truth. Our government lies to us; that's been proven. And of course, I can't even blame that soley on BushCo.; politicians have been lying to the People since time immemorial. Believe the media? I wish I could. I wish they'd do their damn job and report "just the facts, Sir." But since the media is controlled by Big Business, they have an agenda, and therefore are unreliable.

I just discovered a new blog, Main and Central, that gives voice to those who have served our country. I do understand that there are many who have served in the military who are in favor of the war, just as there are those who aren't. I do think that their service entitles them (yes, on both sides) to a little more credibility than others. I am very much looking forward to hearing what they have to say.

As I am having a health issue or two, I may not post daily for a bit. But I do hope to get some feedback sometime!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Two Party System?

How did we ever limit ourselves to a two party system? With the breadth of opinions and the diversity of the American people, how did we let ourselves be limited to Republican v. Democrat?

Even more fundamental is the question of how we allowed our principles to bend to the imperative to win at all costs. How did political correctness dilute our ability to stand and defend our beliefs?
While I'm disgusted with the current administration, I'm even more disappointed in those that I have admired backing down, abdicating the truth in favor of milquetoast civility. Compromise is one thing, but there's nothing wrong with holding to a principle.

I hope the Democrats will have learned a lesson from the last election. Even more, I hope that the voters will stand behind a candidate that one can believe in, that has a view of the future and a plan to make it happen. A little integrity wouldn't hurt either.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Aren't You Tired of Being Lied To?

With so much access to information available from cable, the internet and print media, one would think it would be easy to find the facts in a given situation. It seems to be getting harder. "News" media pushes the agenda of the big corporate Bosses and spins every detail of every story, journalists and bloggers run to judgment and pronounce sentence before all the facts are dragged into the light. Government lies to us over and over and over, until one can scarcely discern the truth when one sees it.

Already we're beginning to see the politicians start their runs for the 2008 elections. It's far too early for us to be having to sort our news through the filter of election bullshit. The next few years aren't going to be pretty.

It's enough to make one run for the Richard Thompson collection and take refuge in the King of Doom and Gloom, just to forget the real Doom rising from the dreck outside on our doorsteps.

Monday, September 26, 2005


While I'm trying to figure out how to work this whole bloggy thing, I'd love to hear some of your thoughts. Any stray thought is welcome here. Some topics for your consideration:

The genius of Richard Thompson
The Insanity of the current Regime in the White House
How to overcome the whole Mars/Venus thing
Sex and how to survive, with and without it
I'll be back to consider and parse your wisdom shortly. Have a pleasant visit.